Welcome To Our Blog
Our Year In Review And A Look Into The Future
As the year quickly comes to a close, we thought an update blog would be great this month. From growth updates to future plans, this blog will discuss 2021 in review and upcoming goals and plans for the new year.
Are You Shopping Small This Holiday Season? You Should Be. Here’s Why…
I’m sure you hear all the time that it’s really important to support local businesses but you may not know the reasons behind that. The purpose of this month’s blog is to teach you 10 reasons why you should be supporting local businesses especially during the holidays.
Springfield Events You Won’t Want To Miss
We say it all the time, but we really do love our city. Springfield truly is a Champion City and we fall in love with it more and more every single day. You never know what you’ll get yourself into when you’re here to visit or just planning to go out. This year has been great because the number of unique events keeps growing and we don’t see it stopping any time soon. This blog will get you up to speed about anything cool you may have missed.
What is Graphic Design and Why Is It Important?
From our previous blogs and social media posts, you may have learned that we offer graphic design services. The purpose of this month’s blog is to teach you a little bit about graphic design, how we can help you, and why graphic design is so important, not only to us as a small business, but to you as a consumer.
A Day in the Life of a Small Business Owner
This blog is different than our others because we’re going to give you a quick look into our lives and what it’s like to be a small business owner. You’ll learn about the schedule we have and you’ll get some idea of what your life would be like if you made the leap to become an SBO.
We’re Now Accepting Custom Commissions Projects!
Hi friends! It’s that time of the month again already?! The last Friday of the month means it’s blog day!
We’ll be honest, this one took a while to write. It’s been a rough couple of weeks since losing my grandpa, so we took some time off as you’ve probably seen.
How To Support Small Businesses for Free
I’m sure you have a friend or two who are a part of a band, a photographer, a designer, a tattoo artist, a writer, a baker, a small business owner, a cake decorator, a makeup artist, YouTube influencer, etc., who you frequently see posting their work on social media or on their website, right?
The Roles of a Small Business Owner
Hello! If you’re reading this, you might be thinking of starting your own small business. If so, that’s super cool and you should definitely do it! If you’re here because you’re just curious, that is also awesome! Whatever your reason, thanks for being here.
Surprise! We’re Rebranding!
Over the last few months, we’ve become more and more unhappy with our current logo. It is cute, for sure, but it doesn’t always work well with the graphics we create. Sometimes it’s too busy with having several colors, or it’s just hard to read because the lettering is so thin.
Our First Month at the Little Boutique on Fountain
Wow, it’s been almost a month since we first opened the Little Boutique on Fountain with a few other super talented local artists! Time really does fly when you’re having fun. The first month being open has been a truly incredible experience. We’ve met a lot of new people and we’ve grown as a small business as well. We have learned a lot and we’ve grown from the things we’ve experienced.
Come Visit Us at The Little Boutique on Fountain!
You may have read recently that we announced we’d be selling our products inside a downtown boutique with several other artists! It’s the most nerve-wracking thing we’ve done so far as a small business, but we are stepping up and making our dreams happen.
Meet the Creators of Sage & Oak.
Hey there! First of all, we’re going to start off by saying thank you for reading our blog! This is our very first blog ever so it’s kind of a big deal that you’re here. It only makes sense that we tell you more about ourselves before we got into the good stuff...